Decorated cookies recipe card
Recipes for vanilla cookies (and 8 variations) that do not spread whilst baking and detailed guidance on how to decorate

This wipe clean recipe card includes recipes for
- vanilla cookies
- chocolate cookies
- lemon cookies
- orange and cinnamon cookies
- spiced cookies
- ginger cookies
- dairy free cookies
- gluten free cookies
There are clear, step by step instructions (with colour photographs) detailing a range of decorating ideas
- moulded cookies
- embossed cookies
- adding colour
- how to ice a cookie with royal icing (flooding)
- polka dots
- pulled hearts
- feathering
- brush embroidery
- piped details
- fault line cookies
- how to ice a cookie in sugarpaste (fondant)
- painting on cookies
- cookie stack
- embellishing your cookies
Guidance on storage times, freezing and many top tips. A beautiful card to add to your collection!
Love this card! Tried the gluten free recipe, amazing - tasted lovely, held the shape, not crumbly. V. happy.
— Sharon, 4th December 2019
I waited so long to do this course and it was so worth the wait.had to buy the card and replicate at home.these cookies are made all the time and the dough is fab for freezing.
— Sharon Hodsdon, 5th February 2022
The main recipe is for Vanilla cookies and then there are so many different variations you can do. There are so many ideas on how to decorate your cookies as well.
— Penny, 8th February 2022