Windmills or pinwheels in icing
Charming, delightful, incredibly effective and easier to create than you may think

how to make a windmill (or pinwheel)
Roll the lavender flower paste until it is about 2mm thick, roll the lemon flower paste to the same thickness.
Lay the lemon paste on top of the lavender paste and roll again until the pastes are blended together and approx. 2mm thick. I find placing a stay fresh mat over the top before rolling stops the pastes from distorting.
Cut a square of the two tone flower paste.
Use a cutting wheel to cut diagonally from a corner towards the centre. Repeat for each corner.
Paint a circle of edible glue in the centre of the square.
Fold the point of the corner to the centre and press down to secure. Repeat for the other three corners.
Paint a small dot of edible glue in the centre and secure an edible decoration such as a moulded button or sugar ball or edible pearl in place. Leave to dry on foam.

To make your windmills (pinwheels) even more interesting you could create patterned paste or use a textured rolling pin.
These decorations are perfect on cupcakes, cookies, cake pops or larger celebration cakes. By changing the colour schemes you can make decorations for every occasion from Christenings and first birthdays to 100th birthdays, a wedding with a difference or perhaps red & gold for Christmas.